Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I don't have a picture for you since I haven't been doing much.  I still haven't found a way to take a picture of the blanket.  I have done some charity knitting so I'll try and get a picture of that.  I am having some fun with nail art but I'm having a little trouble with some polish going bad.  I need to get some nail polish thinner to fix it.  I guess I don't have anything interesting to say.  I'll try and think of something interesting to say next time. I'll see you then.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

This was my most recent charity knitting.  I tried to make one more hat but got about halfway done and ran out of yarn.  I have to pull it out and make some mitts.  I haven't really done any other crafting.  I joined the nail polish group on Ravelry.  The kids have a long weekend for Easter.  Other than that I can't think of anything interesting.  This is a horridly short post.  Sorry.  I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I finished the Hitchhiker but it's not easy to take a picture of.  I ran out of the sari silk on the bind off, so I used a little but of some hand spun from a long time ago.  It's black but it's only about eight inches so it's not too noticeable. I'm going to try and enter the Hitchhiker in Nerd Wars and Nerdopolis.  I'm still not sure how to take a picture of the blanket but I have an idea I'll try.  Other than that I'm working on charity knitting.

I tried some nail art and I think it turned out o.k. but not great.  Making flowers is harder than it looks. I've also been stalking a Ravelry group that is dedicated to nail polish so I'll probably join that group.  I'll leave the picture at the end for you.  I think that's it.  I'll try and post again soon.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Here are the latest of the charity knitting.  It's not exciting I know.  I did finally get the sari silk.  For some reason USPS took over a week to get the packaged from Arkansas to Illinois.  Once my package hit Illinois I got it fast but it really shouldn't have taken a week before that, it's about a twelve hour drive.  I did get the blanket finished but I don't know how to photograph it.  I have some left over so I'm making a scarf for my daughter since she loves the yarn. I'm making the Hitchiker on huge needles.  I had nine teeth at last count.  I also finished the heel of one of daughter's socks in a waiting room.  I'm making progress but I don't really have any pictures to show.

We are planning to go to a hockey game tonight but other than that there isn't anything interesting happening here.  I'm going to do my nails soon maybe it will be nice enough to show you.  My daughter is doing her nails in the team colors.  I think that's it, I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I haven't meant to be neglectful I just didn't really have anything to say.  I'm feeling much better but now my daughter has a cold.  I feel bad for her but at least its spring break and she's not missing any school.  I've just been working on the sewing.  This one is the fifth of the twelve I have.  I was trying to think about how I would attach them when I was done and I was reminded of the quilting fabric that comes in long strips (one of the name brands is Jelly Roll).  I think this would give me and easy way to do it without lots if cutting, it would also give me an excuse to visit a local quilt shop. I found my missing needle so I'm back to working on charity knitting.  I have a bunch of weeks to catch up on so that's next on the list.

Speaking of visiting places I visited a new yarn shop in the area.  It's called The Naked Sheep Yarn Barn. It's kind of an intermediate step between big box stores and the indi yarns.  The other yarn store in the area seems to cater to a little higher end yarn so between them both we have every style covered.  I think I may go there and sit and knit on Fridays after the kids go back to school.  One of the owners I've actually met before.  For a little while I was a member of a spinning and weaving guild (then my husband's schedule changed and I couldn't go there anymore) and she is a member there.  It could be interesting with this new store, we'll see how it goes.

Amey and I are still doing nail art but noting has come out nicely enough for me to want to show you.  I'm getting better at dot flowers.  It was harder that it looks in all the videos.  I'm still having the peeling problem but I just paint it over and over.  I give each design about five days then give my nails a day to rest naked before I do something new.  That's it that has been going on around here.  If I can get some projects done I'll show you, until then it might be a little slow,   See you next time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I know I haven't written in a  while.  I haven't really been doing  anything.  I haven't been knitting or crocheting I have been sort of sewing.  One of my neighbor ladies bought over a bunch of printed cross stitch designs. She said that her hands couldn't do it anymore so she gave them to us.  There was $100-200 dollars worth of quilt blocks, pillow cases, samplers and seasonal pictures (if she paid full price for them but I don't think she did).   I've been having fun working on the quilt blocks.  I don't know when I'll ever make it into a quilt but we'll see.  I have the yarn coming to finish the sari silk blanket so hopefully that will be done soon.  Somehow I lost my daughter's socks so I need to find those so I can finish them. Other than that I really haven't been doing much.  I'm watching tons of old episodes of Law and Order SVU but that's it. I don't think I lost my knitting dive it's just that what excites me more is the planning and the stating and I am trying to hold that back to get some things finished. Maybe taking a beak and doing this cross stitch will help me enjoy knitting and crochet when I get back to it.  That's all for today.  I know it's a sad post for being gone for so long but that's all I've got.  See you next time.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sorry I have no picture because I haven't really done anything.  I'm still sick and that takes a lot of my motivation away. After the chores I feel like I have no energy at all.  If I'm not better by Monday I'm going to the doctor.  By then it will be two weeks (one of sinus headaches and one of draining) and that is too long.  The other thing that took my energy was that I had my daughter try on the socks and she said they were to small.  I had to rip out the heels to fix it and that was kind of demoralizing.  I know it's first world problems but I'm still really tired.

I caught up on most podcasts.  I only have Knitting Butterflies and A Night Bird.  After all that I'll go back to catching up on all the k-dramas I'm behind on.  I'll start with Healer since it's over now.  Until I get better I think that's it, What a pathetic post.  Hopefully I'll be better soon.